WordPress Retainer Contracts

So you want to ensure the lowest hourly price for your WorPress site? Webstantial has you covered.

– You get a WordPress expert who will check in to your site regularly to make sure it is running correctly and has all the necessary software updates.
– You get 5 hours of non-cumulative, pre-paid scheduled consulting and development time every month! Use them any time all month.
– You can purchase additional scheduled time at 50% of the regular rate.
– Emergency (unscheduled) work is also done at HALF the normal emergency rate!
Peace of mind that you’ve got an experienced expert keeping your website running and safe.

1. Your site must be running WordPress
2. You must agree to participate in the monthly retainer program for at least 3 months.
3. You must provide Webstanital with a valid Administrative login to your site and potentially to your hosting service.

Ready yo begin? Contact us Today!

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